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Do-It-Yourself forearm smartphone holder - By "Sid", June 3 2012
items used:
Blackberry Torch 9860 w/rear protective case
archery wrist guard
small zip ties/cable ties
adhesive Velcro or generic dollar store hook & loop fasteners
various Velcro strips (based on preference & availablility) to wrap around forearm
The video above shows some of the similar details in the photos below

It may be obvious but I draw my inspiration for projects like this one from scifi media and my assertion that MacGyver is both a noun and a verb.

Use/abuse at own risk.
A view of the archery guard with its own two elastic straps with two other Velcro straps fed through to improve stability and offer reinforcement
Closer view of the soft side of the hook & loop fasteners attached to the guard and reinforced by small cable ties.

The adhesive Velcro is folded so that both sticky sides glue together. I chose this method for now as it accomodates width differences from wrist to forearm to help create a flatter surface to attach the phone.
All the straps around the wrist and forearm attached.
A view of the rear protective case and two strips of the soft side adhesive Velcro attached.
A closer view of the adhesive Velcro (hook side) doubled over to provide spacing on the forearm guard.
The hook side Velcro pieces placed (not accurately :P) on the soft loop side pieces on the phone case.
Good to go.
Here's a map.
Front-facing red screen for when you need non-glare lighting or want to pretend you're Cyclops.  Have fun with the practical applications and email me your results :)

As to the Worship at The Temple of Adhesive Velcro Comment, I first said that at DragonCon 2008 and was quoted by TorStar in the Waterloo Region Record article:
People of Record for my ALIENS costume.